- It seems like everyone is so careful and picky and in a rush and, and...
- When you meet someone, you are already thinking
- is s/he THE ONE? (potentially)
- should I dump the wo/man in front of me and move on?
- do I really want to have sex with this thing sitting in front of me.
- etc.
And we breath so much stress into the situation, we forget we are alive.
Hence, here is a proposed manifest of the slow-dating movement:
The slow dating manifest:
1. I hereby declare I am currently communicating with 3-4 lovely human beings. (thru chat/ phone/ video/or LIP (live, in person)
2. Since I can't remember so many names, I am unavailable except for urgency. (if you think you are EXACTLY the one for me, tell me, otherwise, breath...)
3. I don't expect anything but to enjoy the thing we have now, I am not (or intend not to be) stressed to find the person who will resolve my problems, I am fine with what is.
4. I am loyal and truthful, I won't cheat, or hide, or lie, or pretend (to the best of my ability)
5. From experience I know any relationship may evolve (grow/ change/ shrink/ die)
6. I treat the one in front of me as a whole
If you like it, sign it in your profile
- Be aware: I am a slow-dater (*), I am looking for a human connection, which may/ may-not evolve in the future to more.
- I am currently in a contact with (state the count) nice people of the fe/male gender, and it is a plateful.
- If you like the slow dating movement, feel free to use it in your profile.
(*) you will actually have to write this mambo jambo (web life isn't easy...)
<a href="http://goo.gl/FQ7Md6">slow-dater™</a>
Anyone ready to sign? (*)
And as a thank-you for your patience, an ear candy...
"you may say I'm a dreamer,
but I'm not the only one.
I hope some day you'll join us,
and the world will live as one"
(*) If you connect to the idea, leave a comment! (even anonymously), so people will not feel they are the only ones who get it. :)
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